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Lean Process

The lean manufacturing strategy is a system for making an organization more efficient by minimizing waste and improving overall productivity. More commonly known as Six Sigma, this strategy has rules which focus on improving services and products according to what consumers really want and need. This is because most people are looking for the best deal and do not want to be pressured into a purchase that may not be what they expected. The system actually strives to improve quality and customer satisfaction throughout the production process.

While the basic principles of the lean manufacturing strategy can be implemented in any company regardless of size, it does help to have a few guidelines in place before moving forward. There are six main components of the system that all employees must follow. These include elimination of wastes, improvement of procedures and processes, reduction of wastes through streamlining or new processes, elimination of bottlenecks or problems, and continuous improvement.

Elimination of wastes is perhaps the most important element of the lean process. Companies that have implemented the lean process have become less dependent on resources which can be detrimental to the progress of the company. For instance, if there are too many personnel to handle paperwork, there will be a decrease in overall efficiency and production. Because of this, there are no documents or paperwork leftovers to deal with after the initial meeting or discussion is complete. Eliminating wastes is vital for the progress of the lean manufacturing principles.

Another way in which improvements can be made is by reducing wastes from the production floor. Lean emphasizes the use of skips, breaks, and check-ins in addition to other methods that can easily reduce or eliminate the need for breaks. This can be accomplished by encouraging employees to stay at their job site rather than taking time off to go visit their family members or friends. Additional methods of reducing waste can include the production line design. Lean encourages the use of multiple levels of automation and complex production processes and strategies. Through the continuous improvement process, companies can expect to see lean production floor techniques become more streamlined over time.

The continual improvement process also helps businesses become more efficient in other areas. It can help to improve customer service because lean techniques can help to reduce waiting time between calls and improve customer satisfaction. In addition, kaizen strategies can also help businesses to improve their operations and production efficiency. Continuous improvements make it easier for companies to provide services and products that are top-notch.

The kaizen strategy, which is also known as the eight-minute organization, is actually an integral part of the lean process. kaizen is simply a Japanese term that simply means "eight minute organizations." The goal of kaizen is to help businesses improve their internal operations and increase the speed of execution. Although the goal of the oee is to increase efficiency, there are five sigma elements that help businesses create and maintain the proper oee flow.

First, the organization must identify the problem or needs. Next, the solution or "off the shelf" solution must be developed and implemented. Once implemented, the improvement must be monitored and constantly improving. The organization must continuously improving throughout the lean process until value stream mapping is achieved. The vision and goal of the value stream mapping is to remove hurdles to profit creation and productivity improvement.

Continuous improvement, when done properly, helps businesses improve their performance and make improvements continuously. Lean consultants, product development teams, and even whole-plant management teams can be involved in the process. The improvements made during the lean process are described in detail in the value stream map. This allows business owners to have a clear picture of where they are currently at and a plan of action to increase their success.